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Do I need an event planner?

Event management

Event management and planning can often be highly stressful. Why? Because there’s so much pressure to perform.

There’s pressure for smooth running, sticking to targets, location and cost and for people who aren’t involved in day to day event management, it can be intense with so much to think about.

Event management is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries after it’s explosion into popularity in 2011 – the main reason for this… People want to do their job, not an event. CEO’s want to stick to running their companies, their staff want to stick to their day to day roles, nobody wants to take on a giant that is an event, and going into the season of Christmas, do’s, events – we didn’t want you to be taking on a giant that you don’t want either.

Here’s 3 things event managers know, that maybe you don’t…

They know what WORKS

Event managers have experience in events, in all forms. They’re familiar with the big and the small in most industries. With this, come great stories, but great insight into what works.

In their experiences they learn things that you don’t think about, such as the importance of location and cost of travel for you attendees. They know how things need to look in order to attract attention and how to make your brand stand out.

On the day, they again know what works. They live and breathe events, so whilst you might have been at home, not sleeping, anticipating the day ahead. They’ll run your event in a professional, stress free manor giving you a – professional, stress free event.

They know what DOESN’T WORK

In their experiences of running and carrying out events day in day out, they’ll know what doesn’t work for each individual event. They’ll know what bad management and bad ideas look like. If your role isn’t events, then how should you know what works and what doesn’t? They experience events on a frequent basis, and will have great knowledge and understanding of all areas of the planning and carrying out the event.

They know the INDUSTRY

This is probably the most important point of this whole thing. They know the industry. They know what strings to pull, where to get what, how to source great deals, what overpriced and underpriced looks like and what you need. They think of things you won’t have even considered!

They’ll know what locations work for your type of event. They’ll have an understanding of lighting, sound, colour and cost!

They’ll help you save money and budget well, know your risks and your opportunities and pay close attention to detail – so you don’t have to!


There’s a reason why the world of event management is booming. It gives you, your staff, your organisation an easier, smoother, cheaper, more professional event.

Want a stress-free, professional approach to your event?
Get in touch today and speak to one of our event managers about your upcoming events.

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